Kingdom Coming

Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism
Michelle Goldberg
The nation is on fire. Run, don't walk, to the nearest exit. Pray to God that religious nuts quit setting crusading fires.
Another very insightful look at the American form of fundamentalist cancer that seems to be spreading throughout the world. Whether Taliban or Evangelical, to the average citizen in the average democracy it makes no difference: Your freedom and very life is at stake.
Read this book for your own sake, if not to save your country.
Excerpt from Publisher's Weekly review:
"In an impressive piece of lucid journalism, reporter Goldberg dives into the religious right and sorts out the history and networks of what to most liberals is an inscrutable parallel universe. She deconstructs "dominion theology," the prevalent evangelical assertion that Christians have a "responsibility to take over every aspect of society." Goldberg makes no attempt to hide her own partisanship, calling herself a "secular Jew and ardent urbanite" who wrote the book because she "was terrified by America's increasing hostility to... cosmopolitan values." This carefully researched and riveting treatise will hardly allay its audience's fears, however; secular liberals and mainstream believers alike will find Goldberg's descriptions of today's culture wars deeply disturbing. She traces the deep financial and ideological ties between fundamentalist Christians and the Republican Party, and discloses the dangers she believes are inherent to the Bush administration's faith-based social services initiative. Other chapters follow inflammatory political tactics on wedge issues like gay rights, evolution and sex education. Significantly, her conclusions do not come off as hysterical or shrill. Even while pointing to stark parallels between fascism and the language of the religious right, Goldberg's vision of America's future is measured and realistic. Her book is a potent wakeup call to pluralists in the coming showdown with Christian nationalists."
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