The Theocons

The Theocons. Secular America Under Seige
Damon Linker
(Doubleday, 2006)
This book is absolutely essential reading for anyone interested in the rise of the evangelicals and their attempt to establish an American theocracy. This criticial history of the theoconservative movement is comprehensive, informative, and above all else, damning.
From the cover:
"For the past three decades, a few determined men have worked to inject their radical religious ideas into the nation's politics. This is the story of how they succeeded."
"The election of 2000 brought the theocons to the peak of political power and influence in Washington. Their ideas inspire the most controversial and divisive policies of the Bush administration -- policies whose ultimate goal is nothing less than the end of secular politics in America."
Kevin Phillips, author of American Theocracy:
"The fact that a former editor of the religious right journal First Things has taken pen in hand to detail the movement's attempts to fashion what he sees as a theocratic governing philosophy for the United States gives The Theocons a particular urgency. As Damon Linker further argues, too much of this has been ignored by the mainstream media."
Mark Lilla, professor at The Committee On Social Thought at the University of Chicago:
"Required reading for anyone interested in the American political scene today."
Alan Wolfe, author of The Transformation of Amereican Religion:
"The Theocons constitutes a major step toward reclaiming the liberal heritage that has made America great."
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